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02 July, 2020
Light with the perfect colour rendering

The colour temperature of the sun changes during the hours of the day and depending on the weather too.
Tired of heading over to the window when reviewing different colour shades? Note that the colour temperature (K) of the sun changes during the hours of the day and depending on the weather too. Therefore, we’re proud to offer you no less than 94 CRI on the Colour Rendering Index scale (the sun gives you 100 CRI), assuring you that the colour you pick is correct.
It´s just like when you pick an outfit in the morning, you wouldn’t want it to look differently in sunlight vs. your indoor lighting. Or when having a homemade dinner, it is especially pleasant when the colors on your plate look natural. With D-TEC products, object’s colors are reflected truly and naturally. Just like the patient teeth or skin.
Next article: Bad lighting – a workplace hazard?