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07 December, 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

New year new opportunities
The past year has presented us with great challenges. Both people and companies have had to change their way of thinking and we have all been affected by the pandemic in different ways. We at D-tec have been challenged in several ways during the year, but we have also seen how the market returns to a more “normal” situation and we are fortunately looking forward to a new year.Light plays an important role when it comes to performing and concentrating. We at D-tec have worked for 35 years to help companies have the right lighting in their workplace. In fact, the right type of lighting can significantly improve workplace performance. Lighting is not just about design and function. It also has a great influence on how people feel in their everyday lives. CEO Jonas Ternell and his team thank you for a nice end to 2021 and we look forward to meeting you at various meeting places in 2022.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from D-tec Lighting Systems!